BPR'08 - The 1st International Workshop on Bit-Precise Reasoning
Location: Princeton, New Jersey. July 14th, 2008.
(Affiliated with CAV 2008.)
Website: http://www.bit-precise-reasoning.org/
Bit-Precise Reasoning is increasingly being used for the analysis of
many real world hardware and software systems. Current applications
include microcode validation, word-level model checking, software
verification, equivalence checking, and random testcase generation.
The continued success in these and other applications depends on the
development of more efficient decision procedures for bit-precise
reasoning, their combination with decision procedures for other
theories (e.g. the theory of arrays), as well as domain-specific
techniques to further increase the scalability of the analysis.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in
Bit-Precise Reasoning with industrial users. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
* Case studies and applications
* New decision procedures and novel implementation techniques
* Combination with other theories
* Theoretical results
* Benchmarks and evaluation methodologies
Paper Submission
* Original Papers that have not been previously published or
submitted (simultaneous submissions are not allowed). Tutorial
/ survey papers are encouraged. Given the informal style of the
workshop, work in progress will be welcome. Papers must be less
than 12 pages long and will be published in the proceedings to
be distributed to the participants.
* Presentation-only Papers describing work recently published or
submitted. These papers will not be published in the proceedings.
Both kinds of submissions will be peer reviewed.
Best Student BPR Paper Award
A 1000$ US award will be given to the best original paper that has
at least one student co-author. The award is going to be split
among all student co-authors. The winners will be asked to submit
a proof of student status. The award is sponsored by Fortify Software.
* Submission: April 28th, 2008
* Notification: June 2nd, 2008
* Final version: June 9th, 2008
* Workshop: July 14th, 2008
Invited Speaker
Daniel Kroening, Oxford University
Program Committee
Domagoj Babic (co-chair), University of British Columbia
Amit Goel (co-chair), Intel Corporation
Per Bjesse, Synopsys, Inc.
Alessandro Cimatti, ITC-Irst, Trento
Jim Grundy, Intel Corporation
Ranjit Jhala, University of California, San Diego
Pete Manolios, Northeastern University
Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research
Ofer Strichman, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Karen Yorav, IBM Haifa
Synopsys [ http://www.synopsys.com/ ]
Fortify Software [ http://www.fortify.com/ ]
BPR'08 - The 1st International Workshop on Bit-Precise Reasoning
Location: Princeton, New Jersey. July 14th, 2008.
(Affiliated with CAV 2008.)
Website: http://www.bit-precise-reasoning.org/
Bit-Precise Reasoning is increasingly being used for the analysis of
many real world hardware and software systems. Current applications
include microcode validation, word-level model checking, software
verification, equivalence checking, and random testcase generation.
The continued success in these and other applications depends on the
development of more efficient decision procedures for bit-precise
reasoning, their combination with decision procedures for other
theories (e.g. the theory of arrays), as well as domain-specific
techniques to further increase the scalability of the analysis.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in
Bit-Precise Reasoning with industrial users. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
* Case studies and applications
* New decision procedures and novel implementation techniques
* Combination with other theories
* Theoretical results
* Benchmarks and evaluation methodologies
Paper Submission
* Original Papers that have not been previously published or
submitted (simultaneous submissions are not allowed). Tutorial
/ survey papers are encouraged. Given the informal style of the
workshop, work in progress will be welcome. Papers must be less
than 12 pages long and will be published in the proceedings to
be distributed to the participants.
* Presentation-only Papers describing work recently published or
submitted. These papers will not be published in the proceedings.
Both kinds of submissions will be peer reviewed.
Best Student BPR Paper Award
A 1000$ US award will be given to the best original paper that has
at least one student co-author. The award is going to be split
among all student co-authors. The winners will be asked to submit
a proof of student status. The award is sponsored by Fortify Software.
* Submission: April 28th, 2008
* Notification: June 2nd, 2008
* Final version: June 9th, 2008
* Workshop: July 14th, 2008
Invited Speaker
Daniel Kroening, Oxford University
Program Committee
Domagoj Babic (co-chair), University of British Columbia
Amit Goel (co-chair), Intel Corporation
Per Bjesse, Synopsys, Inc.
Alessandro Cimatti, ITC-Irst, Trento
Jim Grundy, Intel Corporation
Ranjit Jhala, University of California, San Diego
Pete Manolios, Northeastern University
Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research
Ofer Strichman, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Karen Yorav, IBM Haifa
Synopsys [ http://www.synopsys.com/ ]
Fortify Software [ http://www.fortify.com/ ]