Ian Du Rieu
Hi All,
I've just blown up my Wavetek 166 (50MHz) sig gen and I'm in need of a couple of
2N5160 transistors for its main output stage.
They are old & appear to be made of un-obtainium!
Would anyone have one or two in the junk box?
I'm not looking for a freebie.
Part Number = 2N5160
Description = Bipolar PNP RF
Manufacturer = Various
V(BR)CEO = 40V
V(BR)CBO = 60V
IC = 400mA
Power Diss. = 5.0 W
h(FE) Min. = 10 @ 50mA
f(T) Min. = 500MHz
Package = TO-39
Ian Du Rieu
The Leon Audio Company
62 Edgeware Road
Aldgate, South Australia, 5154
t 08 8339 3865
f 08 8370 8780
m 0419 89 6262
e idurieu2005@LeonAudio.biz
w http://LeonAudio.biz
I've just blown up my Wavetek 166 (50MHz) sig gen and I'm in need of a couple of
2N5160 transistors for its main output stage.
They are old & appear to be made of un-obtainium!
Would anyone have one or two in the junk box?
I'm not looking for a freebie.
Part Number = 2N5160
Description = Bipolar PNP RF
Manufacturer = Various
V(BR)CEO = 40V
V(BR)CBO = 60V
IC = 400mA
Power Diss. = 5.0 W
h(FE) Min. = 10 @ 50mA
f(T) Min. = 500MHz
Package = TO-39
Ian Du Rieu
The Leon Audio Company
62 Edgeware Road
Aldgate, South Australia, 5154
t 08 8339 3865
f 08 8370 8780
m 0419 89 6262
e idurieu2005@LeonAudio.biz
w http://LeonAudio.biz