2N5160 wanted


Ian Du Rieu

Hi All,

I've just blown up my Wavetek 166 (50MHz) sig gen and I'm in need of a couple of
2N5160 transistors for its main output stage.
They are old & appear to be made of un-obtainium!
Would anyone have one or two in the junk box?
I'm not looking for a freebie.

Part Number = 2N5160
Description = Bipolar PNP RF
Manufacturer = Various
V(BR)CEO = 40V
V(BR)CBO = 60V
IC = 400mA
Power Diss. = 5.0 W
h(FE) Min. = 10 @ 50mA
f(T) Min. = 500MHz
Package = TO-39

Ian Du Rieu
The Leon Audio Company
62 Edgeware Road
Aldgate, South Australia, 5154

t 08 8339 3865
f 08 8370 8780
m 0419 89 6262
e idurieu2005@LeonAudio.biz
w http://LeonAudio.biz
"Ian Du Rieu"
Hi All,

I've just blown up my Wavetek 166 (50MHz) sig gen and I'm in need of a
couple of
2N5160 transistors for its main output stage.
They are old & appear to be made of un-obtainium!
Would anyone have one or two in the junk box?
I'm not looking for a freebie.

Part Number = 2N5160
Description = Bipolar PNP RF
Manufacturer = Various
V(BR)CEO = 40V
V(BR)CBO = 60V
IC = 400mA
Power Diss. = 5.0 W
h(FE) Min. = 10 @ 50mA
f(T) Min. = 500MHz
Package = TO-39

** Donberg have them - for a nice price.


** Might be cheaper and easier to use a wide band op-amp.

........... Phil
Hi Phil,

I've just blown up my Wavetek 166 (50MHz) sig gen and I'm in need of a
couple of
2N5160 transistors for its main output stage.

** Donberg have them - for a nice price.


** Might be cheaper and easier to use a wide band op-amp.

.......... Phil
I saw them when I was searching the Net ther other night.
I reckon they've got the decimal point in the wrong place.
It'd be cheaper to buy a new sig gen!

Ian Du Rieu
"Ian Du Rieu"
I've just blown up my Wavetek 166 (50MHz) sig gen and I'm in need of a
couple of 2N5160 transistors for its main output stage.

** Donberg have them - for a nice price.


** Might be cheaper and easier to use a wide band op-amp.

I saw them when I was searching the Net ther other night.
I reckon they've got the decimal point in the wrong place.

** I doubt it.

It'd be cheaper to buy a new sig gen!

** Seeing as the Wavetek 166 is a really function gen, that might be so.

If the 50 MHz bandwidth his not important, the 2N5415 might do.

WES sell them for $1.65.

.............. Phil
I've just blown up my Wavetek 166 (50MHz) sig gen and I'm in need of a
couple of 2N5160 transistors for its main output stage.

** Donberg have them - for a nice price.


** Might be cheaper and easier to use a wide band op-amp.

I saw them when I was searching the Net the other night.
I reckon they've got the decimal point in the wrong place.

** I doubt it.

It'd be cheaper to buy a new sig gen!

** Seeing as the Wavetek 166 is a really function gen, that might be so.

If the 50 MHz bandwidth is not important, the 2N5415 might do.

WES sell them for $1.65.

............. Phil
The price is right. Pity about the fT.
2N2905 may work too. Its close in most parameters and its fT is 200MHz

Ian Du Rieu
"Ian Du Rieu"
I've just blown up my Wavetek 166 (50MHz) sig gen and I'm in need of
couple of 2N5160 transistors for its main output stage.

** Donberg have them - for a nice price.


** Might be cheaper and easier to use a wide band op-amp.

I saw them when I was searching the Net the other night.
I reckon they've got the decimal point in the wrong place.

** I doubt it.

It'd be cheaper to buy a new sig gen!

** Seeing as the Wavetek 166 is a really function gen, that might be so.

If the 50 MHz bandwidth is not important, the 2N5415 might do.

WES sell them for $1.65.

............. Phil

The price is right. Pity about the fT.
2N2905 may work too. Its close in most parameters and its fT is 200MHz

** The 2N2905 is well worth a try.

WES have them for $0.90 !!

............ Phil
"Ian Du Rieu"
I've just blown up my Wavetek 166 (50MHz) sig gen and I'm in need of
couple of 2N5160 transistors for its main output stage.

** Donberg have them - for a nice price.


** Might be cheaper and easier to use a wide band op-amp.

I saw them when I was searching the Net the other night.
I reckon they've got the decimal point in the wrong place.

** I doubt it.

It'd be cheaper to buy a new sig gen!

** Seeing as the Wavetek 166 is a really function gen, that might be so.

If the 50 MHz bandwidth is not important, the 2N5415 might do.

WES sell them for $1.65.

............. Phil

The price is right. Pity about the fT.
2N2905 may work too. Its close in most parameters and its fT is 200MHz

** The 2N2905 is well worth a try.

WES have them for $0.90 !!

........... Phil
And Aztronics in Adelaide have got heaps of them for even less! :)


Ian Du Rieu
The Leon Audio Company
62 Edgeware Road
Aldgate, South Australia, 5154

t 08 8339 3865
f 08 8370 8780
m 0419 89 6262
e idurieu2005@LeonAudio.biz
w http://LeonAudio.biz

Intl t +618 8339 3865
Intl f +618 8370 8780

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