
On 1/01/2014 3:10 PM, Anonymous wrote:
still gives me a hardon
Sexual desire for obsolete transistors, I wonder if there is a
scientific name for that. On the bright side, if you are old enough to
be turned on by the '3055, it must be a plus to still be able to get a
hardon (unless you're on Viagra of course).
On 2014-01-01, Anonymous <noreply@breaka.net> wrote:
still gives me a hardon

Once gave me a double puncture wound, and bruise to my heel.

For a good time: install ntp

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On 2/01/2014 7:03 PM, Sylvia Else wrote:
On 1/01/2014 4:10 PM, Anonymous wrote:
still gives me a hardon

Too much drive?

That's a little base isn't it Sylvia!

still gives me a hardon

** The once ubiquitous 2N3055 has its own Wiki:


Maybe it needs a Facebook page too.....

..... Phil

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