For my learning, my home alarm (NESS D8) calls for a 2K2 (2200 Ohm) end of
line resistor to be placed within the loop for each PIR, tamper switch,
etc. What is the usage of these resistors for? It also says that each zone
PIR input must have one of these resistors even if the input is not in use
(ie. no PIR connected to it) - why is that?
Is it common practice in alarm installations to wire the resistor at the PIR
end of the wire or at the 'heart/brains' of the alarm system? If the
latter, if more than one PIR is connected into a zone input is it still
acceptable (one resistor accomodating 2 or more PIR inputs), or should a
resistor be in place at each PIR (more than one resistor on a single zone
Asking because in the middle of connecting up my new home system now. (Ness
D8 - www.ness.com.au). Thanks.
line resistor to be placed within the loop for each PIR, tamper switch,
etc. What is the usage of these resistors for? It also says that each zone
PIR input must have one of these resistors even if the input is not in use
(ie. no PIR connected to it) - why is that?
Is it common practice in alarm installations to wire the resistor at the PIR
end of the wire or at the 'heart/brains' of the alarm system? If the
latter, if more than one PIR is connected into a zone input is it still
acceptable (one resistor accomodating 2 or more PIR inputs), or should a
resistor be in place at each PIR (more than one resistor on a single zone
Asking because in the middle of connecting up my new home system now. (Ness
D8 - www.ness.com.au). Thanks.