My first post so excuse me if I sound a bit basic-I have a 12vdc comms
device that I want to put in a remote cabinet.The cabinet has
24vdc.The device will draw 750mA to 1000mA at most-the specs say 9
watts power for the device.
Space is a preminium so I'm looking for 2 things
1) how to get from 24v to 12v
2) how small can be it, either in unit or PCB form, as to not vastly
increase the footprint of the original device-which is currently 10cm
by 13cm.I've been doing a bit of Googling and it looks like I need a
7812 stabaliser-is this correct and what else do I need for the
"complete" unit?
My first post so excuse me if I sound a bit basic-I have a 12vdc comms
device that I want to put in a remote cabinet.The cabinet has
24vdc.The device will draw 750mA to 1000mA at most-the specs say 9
watts power for the device.
Space is a preminium so I'm looking for 2 things
1) how to get from 24v to 12v
2) how small can be it, either in unit or PCB form, as to not vastly
increase the footprint of the original device-which is currently 10cm
by 13cm.I've been doing a bit of Googling and it looks like I need a
7812 stabaliser-is this correct and what else do I need for the
"complete" unit?