Hi chaps,
Had a small design challenge come up the other day:-
Flash a red or green led 250ms on/250ms off from the
240v AC and provide an 'or' function so if mains switch A
or B are on then the little sucker is powered up and flashes
(rate doesnt change if both and brightness same etc)
Four main criteria are low cost <doh>, to minimise
dissipation, no hot spots exceed 80deg C when
ambient temp is 45 deg C and finally fit in 0.5 cubic inches.
This is for mounting around an induction exhaust fan recess.
I've managed to get it down to about 0.25W but wonder if that
is the limit asymptotically for the class of low voltage devices
needing to run off 240vac, ie Regardless of compenentry there is
going to be a limit vis a vis current to drive the led and then its
just a matter of dropping the voltage by the best method for
the very lowest dissipation.
Is it likely I can get it down to 0.1W to 0.15W ?
* GMC/VK/VL Commodore & Calais FuseRail that wont warp or melt !
* High grade milspec ignition driver electronics now in development
* Twin tyres for most sedans, trikes and motorcycle sidecars
Had a small design challenge come up the other day:-
Flash a red or green led 250ms on/250ms off from the
240v AC and provide an 'or' function so if mains switch A
or B are on then the little sucker is powered up and flashes
(rate doesnt change if both and brightness same etc)
Four main criteria are low cost <doh>, to minimise
dissipation, no hot spots exceed 80deg C when
ambient temp is 45 deg C and finally fit in 0.5 cubic inches.
This is for mounting around an induction exhaust fan recess.
I've managed to get it down to about 0.25W but wonder if that
is the limit asymptotically for the class of low voltage devices
needing to run off 240vac, ie Regardless of compenentry there is
going to be a limit vis a vis current to drive the led and then its
just a matter of dropping the voltage by the best method for
the very lowest dissipation.
Is it likely I can get it down to 0.1W to 0.15W ?
* GMC/VK/VL Commodore & Calais FuseRail that wont warp or melt !
* High grade milspec ignition driver electronics now in development
* Twin tyres for most sedans, trikes and motorcycle sidecars