24 or 26 guage twin lead wire

I have done the rounds of Lawrence & Hanson, Dick smith, and other
electronic supply co's. but non can supply.

I am after
24 or 26 guage TWIN LEAD WIRE, single wire, not multi stranded.
Reel quantities.

Can anyone help supply or point me in the right direction.
REPLY if by email
to OZBIZ@OBZIZ(notthisbit).ORG

dontevenuse@thisemail.com wrote:
I have done the rounds of Lawrence & Hanson, Dick smith, and other
electronic supply co's. but non can supply.

I am after
24 or 26 guage TWIN LEAD WIRE, single wire, not multi stranded.
Reel quantities.

Can anyone help supply or point me in the right direction.
REPLY if by email
to OZBIZ@OBZIZ(notthisbit).ORG

what size is that in metric ?
I would there is a builder wire to suite
( lousy and hungrys will have it)
I have done the rounds of Lawrence & Hanson, Dick smith, and other
electronic supply co's. but non can supply.

I am after
24 or 26 guage TWIN LEAD WIRE, single wire, not multi stranded.
Reel quantities.

Can anyone help supply or point me in the right direction.

** The stuff you are after is known as in the trade as " bell wire ".

Seems to be readily available everywhere except in Australia.

Try a big hardware store or other place that sells door bells and

........ Phil
dontevenuse@thisemail.com wrote:
Umn, bit of a guestimate here. look at Dick Smiths Guage vs MM site
But around 0.4 to 0.5 mm
Oh , I know you can but 1mm or .9 mm single strand builders wire but
your ask seems a bit thin
must it be plastic coated or would enameled suffice ?

Not sure, suppose enamelled would do. Would have to try it. Dont think
it will matter fo my uses. Main thing is single wire, but twin lead.
Why single wire ?
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message

** The stuff you are after is known as in the trade as " bell wire ".

Seems to be readily available everywhere except in Australia.

Try a big hardware store or other place that sells door bells and

Commonly called Twin Twist Bell Wire, one red and one white wire, single
strand core.

** Nope.

Bell wire is a flat, "figure 8" style cable.

Used to carry the low voltage AC supply for domestic door bells.

Normally just plain white to blend into the wall or skirting boards.

....... Phil

Here is a link to Dyno Nobel in Australia where they give a very limited
description of what is commonly termed Twin Twist Bell Wire in the
explosives industry.

I have purchased this wire from various electrical wholesalers over the
years. Below is a pdf link for an Ausie supplier.
** The stuff you are after is known as in the trade as " bell wire ".

Seems to be readily available everywhere except in Australia.

Try a big hardware store or other place that sells door bells and

Commonly called Twin Twist Bell Wire, one red and one white wire, single
strand core.

** Nope.

Bell wire is a flat, "figure 8" style cable.

Used to carry the low voltage AC supply for domestic door bells.

Normally just plain white to blend into the wall or skirting boards.

Here is a link to Dyno Nobel in Australia where they give a very limited
description of what is commonly termed Twin Twist Bell Wire in the
explosives industry.

** Who gives a FUCK ??

The OP is after " TWIN LEAD WIRE" !!

He is not after *blasting* cable.

Wrong stuff, wrong topic.

........... Phil
"APR" = What a MORON
Here is a link to Dyno Nobel in Australia where they give a very limited
description of what is commonly termed Twin Twist Bell Wire in the
explosives industry.

** Who gives a FUCK ??

The OP is after " TWIN LEAD WIRE" !!

He is not after *blasting* cable.

Wrong stuff, wrong topic.

I am sorry Phil, you are wrong.

** Like ** HELL ** I am.

You are ONE fucking, pig arrogant MANIAC !!!


" TWIN LEAD WIRE " = a figure 8 lead.

"Bell wire" is a figure 8, plain colour, light gauge solid core lead.



Are you on drugs?

....... Phil
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message

Here is a link to Dyno Nobel in Australia ..

** Huh ?????????????????

Who mentioned explosives ????

where they give a very limited description of what is commonly termed
Twin Twist Bell Wire in the explosives industry.

** " Bell wire" is simply NOT the same thing.

D I C K H E A D !!!!

....... Phil
Phil is right, Phil is always right, Phil *must* be right, this is the Phil
way of things, welcome to Phil's world...

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