Can anybody recommend decent yet inexpensive dual channel ADC and DAC
chips for 24 bit audio? I would like to design a sort of "universal
audio circuit" consisting of ADC, DSP, and DAC. My purpose is simply
to have a playground for trying some audio signal processing ideas,
ranging from mainstream to bizarre. To keep the analog design simple,
I would not mind having at least 100 kHz sampling rate.
If I get anything working, I will gladly share the design.
chips for 24 bit audio? I would like to design a sort of "universal
audio circuit" consisting of ADC, DSP, and DAC. My purpose is simply
to have a playground for trying some audio signal processing ideas,
ranging from mainstream to bizarre. To keep the analog design simple,
I would not mind having at least 100 kHz sampling rate.
If I get anything working, I will gladly share the design.