I'm trying to design a 230VAC/50Hz to 115VAC/60Hz converter. This is
specifically for applications that are frequency sensitive.
Input: 220-240VAC/50Hz (plusminus 1Hz) @10A
Output1: 110-120VAC/50Hz (plusminus 1Hz) @20A \Combined is 20A
Output2: 110-120VAC/60Hz (plusminus 1Hz) @20A /
Here's the blocks:
1. 230VAC/50Hz input, offline rectified and filtered to 340VDC.
2. Chopped up (20-50Khz) either via a BJT or MOSFET power switch with PWM
controller (either 555 or PWM IC).
3. PWM wave fed into a high-frequency transformer (2:1)
4. Rectified secondary with schottky power diodes to recover DC.
5. This then is pass throught the 2nd. stage low-frequency choppers one
for 50Hz and one for 60Hz.
6. After going through the 50Hz and 60Hz choppers; we pass through a final
stage of low-pass-filter (LC, with fT=50 and fT=60 respectively)
7. Feedback from output fedback into the PWM controller.
Is there anything fundamentally wrong with the design?
I went through 2 stages because I wanted to avoid a huge mains transformer
rated at 20A!
Comments, caveats, experiences, component choices, are welcome!
I need some further design help on the:
- high-frequency 2:1 transformer
- PWM controller (IC recommendations?)
- chopper drive
I'm trying to design a 230VAC/50Hz to 115VAC/60Hz converter. This is
specifically for applications that are frequency sensitive.
Input: 220-240VAC/50Hz (plusminus 1Hz) @10A
Output1: 110-120VAC/50Hz (plusminus 1Hz) @20A \Combined is 20A
Output2: 110-120VAC/60Hz (plusminus 1Hz) @20A /
Here's the blocks:
1. 230VAC/50Hz input, offline rectified and filtered to 340VDC.
2. Chopped up (20-50Khz) either via a BJT or MOSFET power switch with PWM
controller (either 555 or PWM IC).
3. PWM wave fed into a high-frequency transformer (2:1)
4. Rectified secondary with schottky power diodes to recover DC.
5. This then is pass throught the 2nd. stage low-frequency choppers one
for 50Hz and one for 60Hz.
6. After going through the 50Hz and 60Hz choppers; we pass through a final
stage of low-pass-filter (LC, with fT=50 and fT=60 respectively)
7. Feedback from output fedback into the PWM controller.
Is there anything fundamentally wrong with the design?
I went through 2 stages because I wanted to avoid a huge mains transformer
rated at 20A!
Comments, caveats, experiences, component choices, are welcome!
I need some further design help on the:
- high-frequency 2:1 transformer
- PWM controller (IC recommendations?)
- chopper drive