2" tv



Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum. Maybe you can refer me
to the right one.

I have a 2" Sony Watchman that was practically never used. It will be
obsolete in February. Connecting it to a digital converter doesn't
seem like a good idea, because the converter would be 4 times as big
and need to plug into the wall!

Do they still use these in Canada or somewhere? It would be nice to
get some money for it, but most of all, I don't want to see a
perfectly good tv go to waste?

(I tried to use it on a 12 day trip last spring, but ended up staying
in motels with tvs, instead of sleeping in the woods.)
mm wrote:
Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum. Maybe you can refer me
to the right one.

I have a 2" Sony Watchman that was practically never used. It will be
obsolete in February. Connecting it to a digital converter doesn't
seem like a good idea, because the converter would be 4 times as big
and need to plug into the wall!

Do they still use these in Canada or somewhere? It would be nice to
get some money for it, but most of all, I don't want to see a
perfectly good tv go to waste?

(I tried to use it on a 12 day trip last spring, but ended up staying
in motels with tvs, instead of sleeping in the woods.)
Make the FCC send you a new watchman with digital reception.

Van Chocstraw
AS usual, Canada is following the US and going digital broadcast too. No
market here for that unit. Sorry....

- Tim -

In article <3jdql49rdfnbe64rqo13ainvmu46rb0nkk@4ax.com>, NOPSAMmm2005
@bigfoot.com says...
Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum. Maybe you can refer me
to the right one.

I have a 2" Sony Watchman that was practically never used. It will be
obsolete in February. Connecting it to a digital converter doesn't
seem like a good idea, because the converter would be 4 times as big
and need to plug into the wall!

Do they still use these in Canada or somewhere? It would be nice to
get some money for it, but most of all, I don't want to see a
perfectly good tv go to waste?

(I tried to use it on a 12 day trip last spring, but ended up staying
in motels with tvs, instead of sleeping in the woods.)
Email - tempowl@nospam.nbnet.nb.ca (remove the nospam part)

And If I Forgot To Mention My Location, I'm In The Fredericton Area
"hr(bob) hofmann@att.net" wrote:
On Jan 1, 8:47 pm, Tim <t...@tim.tim> wrote:
AS usual, Canada is following the US and going digital broadcast too. No
market here for that unit. Sorry....

- Tim -

In article <3jdql49rdfnbe64rqo13ainvmu46rb0...@4ax.com>, NOPSAMmm2005
@bigfoot.com says...

Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum. Maybe you can refer me
to the right one.

I have a 2" Sony Watchman that was practically never used. It will be
obsolete in February. Connecting it to a digital converter doesn't
seem like a good idea, because the converter would be 4 times as big
and need to plug into the wall!

Do they still use these in Canada or somewhere? It would be nice to
get some money for it, but most of all, I don't want to see a
perfectly good tv go to waste?

(I tried to use it on a 12 day trip last spring, but ended up staying
in motels with tvs, instead of sleeping in the woods.)

Email - temp...@nospam.nbnet.nb.ca (remove the nospam part)

And If I Forgot To Mention My Location, I'm In The Fredericton Area

Fredericton where - Alaska, Texas, Maine,----- get the idea??????? is in Canada. (aliant.net)


aioe.org, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account: http://www.usenettools.net/ISP.htm

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
On Jan 1, 8:47 pm, Tim <t...@tim.tim> wrote:
AS usual, Canada is following the US and going digital broadcast too. No
market here for that unit. Sorry....

- Tim -

In article <3jdql49rdfnbe64rqo13ainvmu46rb0...@4ax.com>, NOPSAMmm2005
@bigfoot.com says...

Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum.  Maybe you can refer me
to the right one.

I have a 2" Sony Watchman that was practically never used.  It will be
obsolete in February.   Connecting it to a digital converter doesn't
seem like a good idea, because the converter would be 4 times as big
and need to plug into the wall!

Do they still use these in Canada or somewhere?  It would be nice to
get some money for it, but most of all, I don't want to see a
perfectly good tv go to waste?

(I tried to use it on a 12 day trip last spring, but ended up staying
in motels with tvs, instead of sleeping in the woods.)

Email - temp...@nospam.nbnet.nb.ca (remove the nospam part)

And If I Forgot To Mention My Location, I'm In The Fredericton Area
Fredericton where - Alaska, Texas, Maine,----- get the idea???????
On Thu, 1 Jan 2009 22:47:46 -0400, Tim wrote:
NOPSAMmm2005 @bigfoot.com says...

I have a 2" Sony Watchman that was practically never used. It will be
obsolete in February. Connecting it to a digital converter doesn't
seem like a good idea, because the converter would be 4 times as big
and need to plug into the wall!

Do they still use these in Canada or somewhere? It would be nice to
get some money for it, but most of all, I don't want to see a
perfectly good tv go to waste?

AS usual, Canada is following the US and going digital broadcast too. No
market here for that unit. Sorry....

- Tim -
I'm thinkin': Cuba.

Marvin L Jones | jonz | W3DHJ | linux
38.24N 104.55W | @ config.com | Jonesy | OS/2
* Killfiling google & XXXXbanter.com: jonz.net/ng.htm
On Fri, 02 Jan 2009 00:10:00 -0500, "Michael A. Terrell"

"hr(bob) hofmann@att.net" wrote:

On Jan 1, 8:47 pm, Tim <t...@tim.tim> wrote:
AS usual, Canada is following the US and going digital broadcast too. No
market here for that unit. Sorry....

- Tim -

In article <3jdql49rdfnbe64rqo13ainvmu46rb0...@4ax.com>, NOPSAMmm2005
@bigfoot.com says...

Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum. Maybe you can refer me
to the right one.

I have a 2" Sony Watchman that was practically never used. It will be
obsolete in February. Connecting it to a digital converter doesn't
seem like a good idea, because the converter would be 4 times as big
and need to plug into the wall!

Do they still use these in Canada or somewhere? It would be nice to
get some money for it, but most of all, I don't want to see a
perfectly good tv go to waste?

(I tried to use it on a 12 day trip last spring, but ended up staying
in motels with tvs, instead of sleeping in the woods.)

Email - temp...@nospam.nbnet.nb.ca (remove the nospam part)

And If I Forgot To Mention My Location, I'm In The Fredericton Area

Fredericton where - Alaska, Texas, Maine,----- get the idea??????? is in Canada. (aliant.net)
How do you know that is not forged?
Well, hard as I tried, every link on Google for "Fredericton" took me to
Fredericton, New Brunswick. Ya, that's in Canada....

Does anyone know of a Fredericton any where else? I would like to know
if there's another one out there somewhere....

- Tim -

In article <9c1f9d74-ba1a-4329-abc9-
2c3f7963c1aa@a12g2000pro.googlegroups.com>, hrhofmann@att.net says...
On Jan 1, 8:47 pm, Tim <t...@tim.tim> wrote:
AS usual, Canada is following the US and going digital broadcast too. No
market here for that unit. Sorry....

- Tim -

In article <3jdql49rdfnbe64rqo13ainvmu46rb0...@4ax.com>, NOPSAMmm2005
@bigfoot.com says...

Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum.  Maybe you can refer me
to the right one.

I have a 2" Sony Watchman that was practically never used.  It will be
obsolete in February.   Connecting it to a digital converter doesn't
seem like a good idea, because the converter would be 4 times as big
and need to plug into the wall!

Do they still use these in Canada or somewhere?  It would be nice to
get some money for it, but most of all, I don't want to see a
perfectly good tv go to waste?

(I tried to use it on a 12 day trip last spring, but ended up staying
in motels with tvs, instead of sleeping in the woods.)

Email - temp...@nospam.nbnet.nb.ca (remove the nospam part)

And If I Forgot To Mention My Location, I'm In The Fredericton Area

Fredericton where - Alaska, Texas, Maine,----- get the idea???????
Email - tempowl@nospam.nbnet.nb.ca (remove the nospam part)

And If I Forgot To Mention My Location, I'm In The Fredericton Area
mm wrote:
Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum.
Maybe you can refer me to the right one.

Google's Usenet Archive / search engine are useful for these things:

alt.tv.tech.hdtv is an apt group (with high-activity).

I have a 2" Sony Watchman that was practically never used.
It will be obsolete in February.
Connecting it to a digital converter doesn't seem like a good idea,
because the converter would be 4 times as big
and need to plug into the wall!

There are battery-powered converter boxes, e.g.
JeffM wrote:
mm wrote:
Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum.
Maybe you can refer me to the right one.

Google's Usenet Archive / search engine are useful for these things:

alt.tv.tech.hdtv is an apt group (with high-activity).

I have a 2" Sony Watchman that was practically never used.
It will be obsolete in February.
Connecting it to a digital converter doesn't seem like a good idea,
because the converter would be 4 times as big
and need to plug into the wall!

There are battery-powered converter boxes, e.g.
Yeah, a 6.5" box to carry along with your 2" TV...plus a battery pack.
Besides, it won't work 'out of the box' unless the TV is hacked to add
an antenna port. My Watchman uses the lanyard for an antenna. I'm
savvy enough to hack in an input, but the vast majority isn't.


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