i have 2 modules.
one i call 'main'
one is called 'counter' which is instantiated in main.
main has...
clk input
[7:0] output
counter has...
clk input
counter output
(i am using xilinx web pack verilog design (not schematic design)
i instantiate counter in main sending it clk only. inside counter i
have always @(posedge clk) counter <= counter + 1;
in main, i...
also have the same clk.
what i am looking to do is have the output of counter go into the input
of main.
i tried wire, assign and a bunch of other stuff.
this is what i am thinking
1. counter and main are in sink cause they use the same clk.
2. is my counter value lost when i go out of instantiated counter?
3. if need be i can cut/paste my two modules
one i call 'main'
one is called 'counter' which is instantiated in main.
main has...
clk input
[7:0] output
counter has...
clk input
counter output
(i am using xilinx web pack verilog design (not schematic design)
i instantiate counter in main sending it clk only. inside counter i
have always @(posedge clk) counter <= counter + 1;
in main, i...
also have the same clk.
what i am looking to do is have the output of counter go into the input
of main.
i tried wire, assign and a bunch of other stuff.
this is what i am thinking
1. counter and main are in sink cause they use the same clk.
2. is my counter value lost when i go out of instantiated counter?
3. if need be i can cut/paste my two modules