Ross Herbert
My Sharp/Fronius 1kW system has been pumping around 5kW/hr back into the system
on a daily basis since it started running on the 5th May. Perth is experiencing
an extended Autumn with sunny days in the mid 20's and no rain, so that is quite
good performance. It should do a lot better in full Summer. Our 2 person
household averages a consumption of around 7kW/hr per day and it is now down to
2kW/hr per day.
Today's West Australian reported on the state budget released yesterday and this
sort of news http://www.thewest.com.au/default.aspx?MenuID=77&ContentID=141680
makes me feel a whole lot happier still.
In the budget it was also announced that WA would adopt a gross feed-in tariff
of up to $0.60 per kW/hr for renewable energy sources so currently I stand to
make a profit of about $2.60 per day. Of course, as the price of electricity
increases, the profit margin will drop - unless the FiT also increases (which I
doubt). I am now considering increasing my PV array by 4 x 175W panels to take
it to the maximum capacity for the existing inverter.
on a daily basis since it started running on the 5th May. Perth is experiencing
an extended Autumn with sunny days in the mid 20's and no rain, so that is quite
good performance. It should do a lot better in full Summer. Our 2 person
household averages a consumption of around 7kW/hr per day and it is now down to
2kW/hr per day.
Today's West Australian reported on the state budget released yesterday and this
sort of news http://www.thewest.com.au/default.aspx?MenuID=77&ContentID=141680
makes me feel a whole lot happier still.
In the budget it was also announced that WA would adopt a gross feed-in tariff
of up to $0.60 per kW/hr for renewable energy sources so currently I stand to
make a profit of about $2.60 per day. Of course, as the price of electricity
increases, the profit margin will drop - unless the FiT also increases (which I
doubt). I am now considering increasing my PV array by 4 x 175W panels to take
it to the maximum capacity for the existing inverter.