1980 transistors 2SC945 2SC828 ?


Jim Davis

Does anyone know equivalents or specs ?
Japanese ?

Schematic for NPN transistor said :

2SC945(R)or(Q) or 2SC828(P)or(Q)
In article <3F8BBC24.B7ED4357@verizon.net>, jim.davis51@verizon.net
Does anyone know equivalents or specs ?
Japanese ?

Schematic for NPN transistor said :

Is a gen'l purpose everyday jellybean transistor found just about
everywhere. See NTE85. Fairchild's version of it is at
www.fairchildsemi.com/ds/KS/KSC945.pdf (Pictures incorrectly
shows E B C but the text to the left of it says the correct E C B)

or 2SC828(P)or(Q)
Is a high gain, low noise transistor. See NTE199. Like most Japanese
transistors, the collector is the center pin.
Go to http://www.microelectr.com.hk/catalog/lga_tra.htm and click on
the very last page at bottom. See also http://www.nteinc.com

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