My latest junk acquisition turns out to be a
1970 vintage Multichannel Analyzer.
It appears to work, as far as I can tell.
I fed an audio signal into the 'Y' input,
fiddled around with the controls and
got a multi-lined oscilliscope type
trace on the CRT. So at least some of
it is operational.
I'm wondering if someone can tell me how
to hook it up for use as a spectrum analyzer,
or maybe some other useful purpose for the
thing. I guess I need a course in
MCA basics.
It has X, Y, Z connectors on the back,
and other connectors which appear to be
timing/triggering type functions. And there's
some ports for sending data to a tty or a
printer (which I don't plan to use).
1970 vintage Multichannel Analyzer.
It appears to work, as far as I can tell.
I fed an audio signal into the 'Y' input,
fiddled around with the controls and
got a multi-lined oscilliscope type
trace on the CRT. So at least some of
it is operational.
I'm wondering if someone can tell me how
to hook it up for use as a spectrum analyzer,
or maybe some other useful purpose for the
thing. I guess I need a course in
MCA basics.
It has X, Y, Z connectors on the back,
and other connectors which appear to be
timing/triggering type functions. And there's
some ports for sending data to a tty or a
printer (which I don't plan to use).