16vdc@6.5Amps down to 12vdc@4.5Amps


Jack Snodgrass

I have a DC supply that says 16vdc@6.5Amps out...

I have a DC Device that wants 12vdc@4.5Amps in....

I know ( think ) that I can use a LM7812 to step down
the volts from 16 to 12... but the LM7812 is only rated
to 1Amp.

Also... a LM7812 says that the output varies from 11.5 - 12.5
(min 11.5, typical 12.0, max 12.5 ). I want 12.0 +- 0.2 ...
not 12.0 +- 0.5.

How is this normally handled?

Thanks - jack
Jack Snodgrass wrote:

I have a DC supply that says 16vdc@6.5Amps out...

I have a DC Device that wants 12vdc@4.5Amps in....

I know ( think ) that I can use a LM7812 to step down
the volts from 16 to 12... but the LM7812 is only rated
to 1Amp.

Also... a LM7812 says that the output varies from 11.5 - 12.5
(min 11.5, typical 12.0, max 12.5 ). I want 12.0 +- 0.2 ...
not 12.0 +- 0.5.

How is this normally handled?

Thanks - jack

The simplest solution would be to use a LM338K regulator. If you want to
use the LM7812, you would need to use a power transistor to boost the
current, up to the 4.5 amps that you want. To do that, I drew up the
schematic for you. You can see it at http://www.fncwired.com/12VoltEx/

If you would like to go the switching regulator route, I could draw up
the schematic for that too. Let me know.


Building user friendly software for electronics.
In article <pan.2003.>,
jack+ntlug@mylinuxguy.com says...
I have a DC supply that says 16vdc@6.5Amps out...

I have a DC Device that wants 12vdc@4.5Amps in....

I know ( think ) that I can use a LM7812 to step down
the volts from 16 to 12... but the LM7812 is only rated
to 1Amp.

Also... a LM7812 says that the output varies from 11.5 - 12.5
(min 11.5, typical 12.0, max 12.5 ). I want 12.0 +- 0.2 ...
not 12.0 +- 0.5.

How is this normally handled?
A better regulator? ;-) Seriously, 4V @ 4.5A is 18W, which is quite a
bit of heat to dissipate, but not an impossible task. I'd look around
for a buck regulator design to try to reduce the waste heat. Buck
regulators will be more complicated than a linear, but will simplify
your cooling.

National (http://www.national.com) has some pretty good application
notes on line. I've "stolen" buck regulator designs from their app
notes a time or two. ;-)

National (http://www.national.com) has some pretty good application
notes on line. I've "stolen" buck regulator designs from their app
notes a time or two. ;-)


Hmmm, I think "adapted" works well as a word choice in those situations.
"Garrett Mace" <g.ryan@macetech.com> wrote in message
National (http://www.national.com) has some pretty good application
notes on line. I've "stolen" buck regulator designs from their app
notes a time or two. ;-)


Hmmm, I think "adapted" works well as a word choice in those situations.
Nahhh !! I like the brutal honesty :)
(So refreshing in todays values)
Regards ............... Rheilly Phoull
In article <3ff4b329$0$1736$5a62ac22@freenews.iinet.net.au>,
shredder@bigpong.net says...
"Garrett Mace" <g.ryan@macetech.com> wrote in message
National (http://www.national.com) has some pretty good application
notes on line. I've "stolen" buck regulator designs from their app
notes a time or two. ;-)


Hmmm, I think "adapted" works well as a word choice in those situations.

Nahhh !! I like the brutal honesty :)
(So refreshing in todays values)
The unvarnished truth is that I'm not paid to produce a result,
not to invent. Well, I am paid to invent, but certainly not to
(re)invent buck regulators. I'm not above stealing other's
designs (patent issues excepted) to get my work done. Though I
am nice enough to buy their parts. ;-)


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