15" NEC Lcd, $280 Aus. Sold to Sydeny Only



1 blind point on the right corner.
Missing Back Panel.
Everything else is working perfect.
Inpect before buy in UTS area is ok.
On 20 Dec 2003 02:29:34 -0800, waichoi@yahoo.com (Unbreakable) wrote:

1 blind point on the right corner.
Missing Back Panel.
Everything else is working perfect.
Inpect before buy in UTS area is ok.

if you will only sell it to Sydney (why the fuck is it such a problem
to offer to post the thing) then advertise it in the local bloody
classifieds and not spam it on a nationwide forum.
KLR <> writes:

On 20 Dec 2003 02:29:34 -0800, waichoi@yahoo.com (Unbreakable) wrote:

1 blind point on the right corner.
Missing Back Panel.
Everything else is working perfect.
Inpect before buy in UTS area is ok.

if you will only sell it to Sydney (why the fuck is it such a problem
to offer to post the thing) then advertise it in the local bloody
classifieds and not spam it on a nationwide forum.
There are no local classifieds unless you mean the local edition of the
Trading Post. What is wrong with advertising in an aus.* newsgroup? The
seller is in Australia, and that's the only really important


SUN RIPENED KERNELS - Surplus Sun Microsystems Equipment, Parts + Accessories
Waterfall, NSW, Australia - Operated by Craig Dewick - Founded in 1996
Main site: www.sunrk.com.au - Ebay Shop: www.ebayshops.com.au/sunripenedkernels
Ph: +612-9520-2547 - Fax: +612-9520-2557 - Mobile: 04-2163-0547 (int. +614)
if you will only sell it to Sydney (why the fuck is it such a problem
to offer to post the thing) then advertise it in the local bloody
classifieds and not spam it on a nationwide forum.
this guy must be US ppl. who think they can rule the world and even
the internet. Even thourght it said AUS.Electronic.

Or just some idiot who dont know what aus stand for.

wake up. you can get Iraq. but not the internet or the whole world.

Aus belong to Austrlia and only Australian can give comment on it.

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