12v to 15v DC


Colin Dawson

Hi all.

I'm looking at making a very simple circuit that will take an input from a
car battery, then convert the output to 15v, the circuit will need to
provide 2A maximum. (it's to power my telescope)

Basically, I'm looking to accomplish this with as few components as
possible. Does anyone have a circuit diagram that will do this? If not
can someone point me in the right direction?


Colin Dawson
Colin Dawson wrote:
Hi all.

I'm looking at making a very simple circuit that will take an input from a
car battery, then convert the output to 15v, the circuit will need to
provide 2A maximum. (it's to power my telescope)

Basically, I'm looking to accomplish this with as few components as
possible. Does anyone have a circuit diagram that will do this? If not
can someone point me in the right direction?


Colin Dawson
You can buy converters that will generate 120VAC from a 12V battery.
These are called inverters. Here is one that will work:


Just plug the wall wart from the telescope into it.

Bob Monsen
On Sun, 15 May 2005 00:31:52 GMT, "Colin Dawson"
<newsgroups@cjdawson.com> wrote:

Hi all.

I'm looking at making a very simple circuit that will take an input from a
car battery, then convert the output to 15v, the circuit will need to
provide 2A maximum. (it's to power my telescope)

Basically, I'm looking to accomplish this with as few components as
possible. Does anyone have a circuit diagram that will do this? If not
can someone point me in the right direction?
Check out http://www.national.com/appinfo/power/

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
On Sun, 15 May 2005 00:31:52 GMT, "Colin Dawson"
<newsgroups@cjdawson.com> wrote:

I'm looking at making a very simple circuit that will take an input
from a car battery, then convert the output to 15v, the circuit
will need to provide 2A maximum. (it's to power my telescope)

Basically, I'm looking to accomplish this with as few components as
possible. Does anyone have a circuit diagram that will do this?
If not can someone point me in the right direction?

On Sun, 15 May 2005 00:31:52 GMT, "Colin Dawson"
<newsgroups@cjdawson.com> wrote:

I'm looking at making a very simple circuit that will take an input
from a car battery, then convert the output to 15v, the circuit
will need to provide 2A maximum. (it's to power my telescope)

Basically, I'm looking to accomplish this with as few components as
possible. Does anyone have a circuit diagram that will do this?
If not can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks for the suggestions.

After looking at the ideas that you've shown me. I've come up with another
solution.. I'm surprised that I didn't think of it before... I've got a
12v laptop power supply that's quite small. If I can get hold of another
one, could rip the circuit out of it and use that.

For the cost it'll be cheaper to do this than to build a circuit from


Colin Dawson
In article <YLwhe.52148$a9.8645@fe3.news.blueyonder.co.uk>,
newsgroups@cjdawson.com says...

Hi all.

I'm looking at making a very simple circuit that will take an input from a
car battery, then convert the output to 15v, the circuit will need to
provide 2A maximum. (it's to power my telescope)

"Simple circuit" and doing what you describe do not go together in
the same sentence. You're talking about DC-DC conversion, something that
involves a fair number of components and good design skills.

That's the bad news. The good news is that there are ready-
manufactured DC-DC converters available that will do exactly as you

Based on your stated requirements, you can go a couple of
different ways. Mean Well Electronics, part #SDM30-12S15, has an input
rating of 9-18V, output of 15V at 1.7A, 80% efficiency. It'll probably
run you about USD $35 or so.

As a point of interest, I use this same module in one of my own
applications. It has proven to be very reliable.

For the ultimate in quality and reliability, go with Datel, their
part #UHE-15/2000-D12. Average price seems to be about USD $60. It's
available from Allied Electronics or Newark (the latter known in the UK
as Farnell).

Whatever you decide on, you'll need a 30 watt unit with 9-18V
input rating.

Happy hunting.

Dr. Anton T. Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute.
(Known to some as Bruce Lane, ARS KC7GR,
kyrrin (a/t) bluefeathertech[d=o=t]calm -- www.bluefeathertech.com
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