Gene Smith
I have an old Sharp VL-E33U Viewcam that won't retract the tape when a
tape cassette is present after pushing it down. If no tape is present
the mechanism slides in properly after pushing it down.
There is a clear plastic spindle that is on the mechanism that goes into
a large round hole at the center of the tape cassette. It is possibly an
optical sensor of some sort, not sure. But if I gently touch this
spindle with no tape present the mechanism will not retract. If the
spindle is not touched the mechanism retracts with no tape. Also, I
tried placing a small black and then a small white object over the
spindle and they also prevent the mechanism from retracting. They are
not physically blocking anything but just cause the "sensor" to stop the
tape drive mechanism from sliding into the play position.
Also, the small backup ni-cad battery is dead. I don't know if it could
possible have an effect on this sensor or viewcam operation. The manual
implies it is only for time/date and other settings backup.
tape cassette is present after pushing it down. If no tape is present
the mechanism slides in properly after pushing it down.
There is a clear plastic spindle that is on the mechanism that goes into
a large round hole at the center of the tape cassette. It is possibly an
optical sensor of some sort, not sure. But if I gently touch this
spindle with no tape present the mechanism will not retract. If the
spindle is not touched the mechanism retracts with no tape. Also, I
tried placing a small black and then a small white object over the
spindle and they also prevent the mechanism from retracting. They are
not physically blocking anything but just cause the "sensor" to stop the
tape drive mechanism from sliding into the play position.
Also, the small backup ni-cad battery is dead. I don't know if it could
possible have an effect on this sensor or viewcam operation. The manual
implies it is only for time/date and other settings backup.