Can anyone help point me in the right direction?
I want to make a timer circuit using discreet components (i.e. no pics or
stamps or inputs from a PC) that will count from 0 when it turns on up to
9hrs 59mins 59secs. I also want to display the hrs, mins and secs via
7-segment displays. In addition, I would like to be able to freeze and
display the clocks count at any given moment via a hold button.
I want to make a timer circuit using discreet components (i.e. no pics or
stamps or inputs from a PC) that will count from 0 when it turns on up to
9hrs 59mins 59secs. I also want to display the hrs, mins and secs via
7-segment displays. In addition, I would like to be able to freeze and
display the clocks count at any given moment via a hold button.