100DP Digital Position indicators, 4 digit, Dynamic Technolo



Hi Chaps,

Approx 18 years ago, Dynamic Technology in Perth used to supply these
4 digit LED digital position indicators, they were used on guillotines
and other back gauging metal position equipment, around 50 to 100 were
made, initially by Dynamic then by me as it was originally my design
for Dynamic, sold a few to Westralian Equipment/Pretron Electronics and
their national machine tool agents... There was a variant the 100A which
was used to measure angles on pan brakes and other angle position tools.

4 bright 0.8" LEDs with resolution to 0.1mm,
Range -99.9 to 999.9mm
Over-range indication -ovf to ovf (Count retained during overflows)
Transducer voltage options, 5v, 15v, power at 4Watts supplied
Transducer ratio options, x1, x2, x4, /2 (by jumper links on rear)
Transducer type required is quadrature with 50 or 100ppr for backgauge
DIN panel box RS part 508-683
Input power 240Vac Max 10VA, or use DC input

As above but reads -99.9 to 180.0 degrees
No ratio options, used 256 pulse per rotation transducer
Option input resets position to 0, 180, or 90 on switch open or close

Interestingly, although the design was done in 1986 and the last production
run finished in 1990 I've had about 3 come back to me recently from all
these years ago and from all sorts of different places, I have now stocked
up enough parts to service and repair these units. Main failures in the early
days were the transformers as the units were placed in boxes with minimal
ventilation and also there might be some vibration damage. At the time there
werent any other counters/indicators around that had large digits and
were simple to setup and supported for more than 8 years !

Anyway, if you come across these, I am reporting I am in a position to
service and repair these for as long as parts are available, which could
be at least another 5 to 10 years - not bad for a product that has been
in use in some metal shops continuously since 1986. Can also service and
repair the rotary transducers that were often supplied with them, I recall
they were either 50 or 100 pulses per revolution on geared down backgauges.

If you also come across one, I'd like to hear from you and if you want
to repair it yourself, thats fine just email me and I can supply enough
technical details and spare PLDs at reasonable prices :)

email here: 100dp at niche.iinet.net.au

in email above replace 'at' with @ and take out the spaces


ps: Pictures arranged on request email or through this news group,

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