• Thread starter Sďr Jean-ţaul Turcaud
  • Start date

Sďr Jean-ţaul Turcaud

With only 10 days to go to Sydney Major Catastrophe leading to the
anticipated disappearance of 2 millions Australians, in clear to the 9.2
Quake centred approx 60 km due East, followed by a 200 miles an hour 100m
high Tsunami, it seems I won't be there in time to avoid incoming disaster.
Further the more, those Sydney people might not be the only ones to get that
wipe-out indeed since the whole Gold Coast will be a washed out up to 40 km
inland. The Tsunami propagation will reach Bundaberg in a Northbound
direction, and in a Southbound direction Tasmania N/E coast line over
Flinders Is, Eddystone Pt... etc It will reach of course NZ with Auckland
bay not being any protection from the rising sea and the Kiwis most likely
to have to paddled out for their lives. Of course Newcastle as well as
Wollongong will be then only souvenirs of the past

I got no reply from last letter to Australian Government and WA Government,
so the die is cast !

By the way that WA Parliament of imbeciles don't give a fuck about something
of that magnitude happening to Sydney and vicinity ... they are miles away,
hey ? " We are all right, Jack ! " the Dudes are telling themselves at the
present time, although the terrible & still worsening DDD ( Divine Drudging
Drought ) is affecting all in Australia now ! Well, in my view and taking
as a basis my knowledge of the True Geology... the expected Hydraulic
Counter-Reaction to such logical reshuffle of Lithosphere to new Earth Arc
of Circle, they will give to Perth also their shares of the turmoil
generated. Incidentally and for the benefit of those sci000ntific
Gogologists and other farcical beuuuulievers in present so-called Geological
Théaurizzz, Quakes are not the result of Plates in collision... it is of
common sense indeed that bodies in contact cannot be 'in collision' but on
the contrary Tsunami can be generated only by a 'Wipe Lash' effect resulting
of a fault opening. If the understanding of those sci000ntific Parasites was
correct and Plates were really pushing towards one another, the aftermath of
Quakes would not show us open trenches in the ground, as this is ALWAYS THE
CASE ! Still more the Pacific and other Indian Oceans etc would not have any
deep Sea Trenches, since this allegedly in the direction of vectors of
Forces having conducted ( and still conducting according to the fools ) to
the uprising of the Andes, the Rockies, the Himalayas, Mt Kook in NZ etc
! But of course the sci000ntific Dorks, once out of their brainwashing whore
houses of Universilities ( The MYTH, The ANUS, Oxenfort etc ) have only
their poor Fossil Brain left for reasoning ! The only one having not been
destroyed in the mind formatting Universility processes, while of course,
Our Celtic God given free-mind and free-will have been reduced to zombified
automatic learnt-by-heart responses ! How pathetic !

Now here are some of my last recommendations to those who want to survive to
impeding disaster, and I hope there are a few who care about that.... since
at this occasion indeed, it is patent that the Australian Governments don't
give a fuck about it all !
I have already given you advices relative to the state of the sea.
I have also given you advices relatives to the behaviour of animals which
can feel the impending disaster ( for reasons I am not going to give you
there ) , and this is in this order :
.... from the closer to the ground to the further off it, i.e. snakes, rats
( 3 day ahead ) , dogs, cats ( one day ) and last birds ! When the birds
fly away and the deafening noise of silence falls like a white shroud upon
you, you have only at the most 1/2 hour to run to safety !
Of course for those having no business to attend in Sydney, Newcastle &
Wollongong, my advice would be not tot go and alternatively move away for
the 17th of January 2005 !
For the others, to have a bicycle or bike handy ( do not use cars before of
traffic jams ) and take blankets, pure water in bottle and rain coats with
you. Downpour will follow the release of energy accumulated in the Crust and
the discharge of the very high Isostatic fields.
In anticipation of the many days ahead to spend in the Blue Mountains,
since return to the devastated cities will be impossible, just take matches
too to make fires to warm you up.

I could have done something if I had been there in time, but apparently that
Convict-Strain Australian Political Scum who direct affairs now, is more
concerned about preserving its prebends from the Mining Criminals of Newmont
/ Newcrest, BHP, WMC, Boral, etc , covering the Collective Crimes related
to the Telfer Mine affair ( as well as the Port Arthur Holocaust Crimes
too ) than taking the only step necessary to save the lives of millions of
Australians !

Quite sorry about that !


Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer, Kintyre & Nifty Mines
The Great Sandy Desert.of Australia
Discoverer of the South Atlantic Submarine Gold Placers
( 40 Millions Tons estimate )

"Gold and Intrigue in the Desert"
"The true story of the discovery of the Telfer gold mine"
Author : Bob Sheppard, President of the Australian Prospectors' Union
Author's contact & web page : www.tnet.com.au/~warrigal/
Order from : Hesperian Press, PO Box 317 Victoria Park, 6979 W.Australia.
AUS 40.00 + post

Published in Perth 15th December 2002

to Australia Greatest & True Geologist 's Site

~~Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
Send Emails to abuse@libertysurf.fr

"Sďr Jean-ţaul Turcaud" <Sir_Turcaud@atlantis.edu> wrote in message
With only 10 days to go to Sydney Major Catastrophe leading to the
anticipated disappearance of 2 millions Australians, in clear to the 9.2
Quake centred approx 60 km due East, followed by a 200 miles an hour 100m
high Tsunami, it seems I won't be there in time to avoid incoming
Further the more, those Sydney people might not be the only ones to get
wipe-out indeed since the whole Gold Coast will be a washed out up to 40
inland. The Tsunami propagation will reach Bundaberg in a Northbound
direction, and in a Southbound direction Tasmania N/E coast line over
Flinders Is, Eddystone Pt... etc It will reach of course NZ with Auckland
bay not being any protection from the rising sea and the Kiwis most likely
to have to paddled out for their lives. Of course Newcastle as well as
Wollongong will be then only souvenirs of the past

I got no reply from last letter to Australian Government and WA
so the die is cast !

By the way that WA Parliament of imbeciles don't give a fuck about
of that magnitude happening to Sydney and vicinity ... they are miles
hey ? " We are all right, Jack ! " the Dudes are telling themselves at
present time, although the terrible & still worsening DDD ( Divine
Drought ) is affecting all in Australia now ! Well, in my view and
as a basis my knowledge of the True Geology... the expected Hydraulic
Counter-Reaction to such logical reshuffle of Lithosphere to new Earth
of Circle, they will give to Perth also their shares of the turmoil
generated. Incidentally and for the benefit of those sci000ntific
Gogologists and other farcical beuuuulievers in present so-called
Théaurizzz, Quakes are not the result of Plates in collision... it is of
common sense indeed that bodies in contact cannot be 'in collision' but on
the contrary Tsunami can be generated only by a 'Wipe Lash' effect
of a fault opening. If the understanding of those sci000ntific Parasites
correct and Plates were really pushing towards one another, the aftermath
Quakes would not show us open trenches in the ground, as this is ALWAYS
CASE ! Still more the Pacific and other Indian Oceans etc would not have
deep Sea Trenches, since this allegedly in the direction of vectors of
Forces having conducted ( and still conducting according to the fools )
the uprising of the Andes, the Rockies, the Himalayas, Mt Kook in NZ etc
! But of course the sci000ntific Dorks, once out of their brainwashing
houses of Universilities ( The MYTH, The ANUS, Oxenfort etc ) have only
their poor Fossil Brain left for reasoning ! The only one having not been
destroyed in the mind formatting Universility processes, while of course,
Our Celtic God given free-mind and free-will have been reduced to
automatic learnt-by-heart responses ! How pathetic !

Now here are some of my last recommendations to those who want to survive
impeding disaster, and I hope there are a few who care about that....
at this occasion indeed, it is patent that the Australian Governments
give a fuck about it all !
I have already given you advices relative to the state of the sea.
I have also given you advices relatives to the behaviour of animals which
can feel the impending disaster ( for reasons I am not going to give you
there ) , and this is in this order :
... from the closer to the ground to the further off it, i.e. snakes, rats
( 3 day ahead ) , dogs, cats ( one day ) and last birds ! When the birds
fly away and the deafening noise of silence falls like a white shroud upon
you, you have only at the most 1/2 hour to run to safety !
Of course for those having no business to attend in Sydney, Newcastle &
Wollongong, my advice would be not tot go and alternatively move away for
the 17th of January 2005 !
For the others, to have a bicycle or bike handy ( do not use cars before
traffic jams ) and take blankets, pure water in bottle and rain coats with
you. Downpour will follow the release of energy accumulated in the Crust
the discharge of the very high Isostatic fields.
In anticipation of the many days ahead to spend in the Blue Mountains,
since return to the devastated cities will be impossible, just take
too to make fires to warm you up.

I could have done something if I had been there in time, but apparently
Convict-Strain Australian Political Scum who direct affairs now, is more
concerned about preserving its prebends from the Mining Criminals of
/ Newcrest, BHP, WMC, Boral, etc , covering the Collective Crimes related
to the Telfer Mine affair ( as well as the Port Arthur Holocaust Crimes
too ) than taking the only step necessary to save the lives of millions of
Australians !

Quite sorry about that !


Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer, Kintyre & Nifty Mines
The Great Sandy Desert.of Australia
Discoverer of the South Atlantic Submarine Gold Placers
( 40 Millions Tons estimate )

"Gold and Intrigue in the Desert"
"The true story of the discovery of the Telfer gold mine"
Author : Bob Sheppard, President of the Australian Prospectors' Union
Author's contact & web page : www.tnet.com.au/~warrigal/
Order from : Hesperian Press, PO Box 317 Victoria Park, 6979 W.Australia.
AUS 40.00 + post

Published in Perth 15th December 2002

to Australia Greatest & True Geologist 's Site

~~Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 08:43:43 +0100, "Sďr Jean-ţaul Turcaud"
<Sir_Turcaud@atlantis.edu> wrote:

With only 10 days to go to Sydney Major Catastrophe leading to the
anticipated disappearance of 2 millions Australians, in clear to the 9.2
Quake centred approx 60 km due East, followed by a 200 miles an hour 100m
high Tsunami, it seems I won't be there in time to avoid incoming disaster.
Further the more, those Sydney people might not be the only ones to get that
wipe-out indeed since the whole Gold Coast will be a washed out up to 40 km
inland. The Tsunami propagation will reach Bundaberg in a Northbound
direction, and in a Southbound direction Tasmania N/E coast line over
Flinders Is, Eddystone Pt... etc It will reach of course NZ with Auckland
bay not being any protection from the rising sea and the Kiwis most likely
to have to paddled out for their lives. Of course Newcastle as well as
Wollongong will be then only souvenirs of the past
A very specific prediction.

Let's make a public deal.

If this does happen, then we all admit that you are an unrecognised
genius and tell our governments that's the case (although you'll have to
agree that if it does happen they may have other things on their minds!)

If this does NOT happen, you will have been proved to be wrong, and will
stop posting in these newsgroups?


Nothing is Beatle Proof!!
(A) The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than the
British or Americans.
(B) On the other hand, the French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer
heart attacks than the British or Americans.
(C) The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks
than the British or Americans.
(D) The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer fewer
heart attacks than the British or Americans.
(E) Conclusion: Eat & drink what you like. It's speaking English that kills
"Eric" <hahaha@clear.i.never.see.junk.mail.com> wrote in message
(A) The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than
British or Americans.
(B) On the other hand, the French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer
heart attacks than the British or Americans.
(C) The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks
than the British or Americans.
(D) The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer fewer
heart attacks than the British or Americans.
(E) Conclusion: Eat & drink what you like. It's speaking English that
So what's the stats on Australians?
MMMmmmmm, If it does happen i wonder if the rest of the world including
Indonesia will return the favour and give us aid.
Bloody fat chance!!!!!
I'm not sure I wait for Sďr Jean-ţaul Turcaud to come up with that, if
that's his real name.

"Ammut" <smhorsfall@ihug.com.au> wrote in message

"Eric" <hahaha@clear.i.never.see.junk.mail.com> wrote in message
(A) The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than
British or Americans.
(B) On the other hand, the French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer
heart attacks than the British or Americans.
(C) The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks
than the British or Americans.
(D) The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer fewer
heart attacks than the British or Americans.
(E) Conclusion: Eat & drink what you like. It's speaking English that
So what's the stats on Australians?
pussynuts wrote:
MMMmmmmm, If it does happen i wonder if the rest of the world including
Indonesia will return the favour and give us aid.
Bloody fat chance!!!!!
With a comment like that shouldn't your nick be pusnuts? Friggin wanker.
What's the bet that, a couple of days before the "Sydney Major Catastrophe"
is supposed to happen, he claims that he's had a change of heart, said a few
prayers and saved Sydney from a disaster. He will then probably turn around
and claim that as he's managed to avert the disaster he should be given
title to the various mines he claims he discovered as payment.

This is probably a safer bet than the "Sydney Major Catastrophe" happening.



"Stephen X. Carter" <steve@[]> wrote in message
On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 08:43:43 +0100, "Sďr Jean-ţaul Turcaud"
Sir_Turcaud@atlantis.edu> wrote:

With only 10 days to go to Sydney Major Catastrophe leading to the
anticipated disappearance of 2 millions Australians, in clear to the 9.2
Quake centred approx 60 km due East, followed by a 200 miles an hour
high Tsunami, it seems I won't be there in time to avoid incoming
Further the more, those Sydney people might not be the only ones to get
wipe-out indeed since the whole Gold Coast will be a washed out up to 40
inland. The Tsunami propagation will reach Bundaberg in a Northbound
direction, and in a Southbound direction Tasmania N/E coast line over
Flinders Is, Eddystone Pt... etc It will reach of course NZ with Auckland
bay not being any protection from the rising sea and the Kiwis most
to have to paddled out for their lives. Of course Newcastle as well as
Wollongong will be then only souvenirs of the past

A very specific prediction.

Let's make a public deal.

If this does happen, then we all admit that you are an unrecognised
genius and tell our governments that's the case (although you'll have to
agree that if it does happen they may have other things on their minds!)

If this does NOT happen, you will have been proved to be wrong, and will
stop posting in these newsgroups?


Nothing is Beatle Proof!!
On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 21:38:32 +1100, "Ammut" <smhorsfall@ihug.com.au>

"Eric" <hahaha@clear.i.never.see.junk.mail.com> wrote in message
(A) The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than
British or Americans.
(B) On the other hand, the French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer
heart attacks than the British or Americans.
(C) The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks
than the British or Americans.
(D) The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer fewer
heart attacks than the British or Americans.
(E) Conclusion: Eat & drink what you like. It's speaking English that

So what's the stats on Australians?

Probably much the same as Americans since we seem to be eagerly
gorging ourselves on their junk / fast food diet
Now here are some of my last recommendations to those who want to survive to
impeding disaster, and I hope there are a few who care about that.... since
at this occasion indeed, it is patent that the Australian Governments don't
give a fuck about it all !
I have already given you advices relative to the state of the sea.
I have also given you advices relatives to the behaviour of animals which
can feel the impending disaster ( for reasons I am not going to give you
there ) , and this is in this order :
... from the closer to the ground to the further off it, i.e. snakes, rats
( 3 day ahead ) , dogs, cats ( one day ) and last birds ! When the birds

Well - I have 2 pussies, and many of my friends own too, so if they
ALL try and run away on the day before, I will be taking your advice
and going west for a few days ;)
fly away and the deafening noise of silence falls like a white shroud upon
you, you have only at the most 1/2 hour to run to safety !
Of course for those having no business to attend in Sydney, Newcastle &
Wollongong, my advice would be not tot go and alternatively move away for
the 17th of January 2005 !
For the others, to have a bicycle or bike handy ( do not use cars before of
traffic jams ) and take blankets, pure water in bottle and rain coats with
you. Downpour will follow the release of energy accumulated in the Crust and
the discharge of the very high Isostatic fields.
In anticipation of the many days ahead to spend in the Blue Mountains,
since return to the devastated cities will be impossible, just take matches
too to make fires to warm you up.

I could have done something if I had been there in time, but apparently that
Convict-Strain Australian Political Scum who direct affairs now, is more
concerned about preserving its prebends from the Mining Criminals of Newmont
/ Newcrest, BHP, WMC, Boral, etc , covering the Collective Crimes related
to the Telfer Mine affair ( as well as the Port Arthur Holocaust Crimes
too ) than taking the only step necessary to save the lives of millions of
Australians !

Quite sorry about that !
"Kevin Ettery" <kpettery@dcsi.net.au> wrote in message
What's the bet that, a couple of days before the "Sydney Major
is supposed to happen, he claims that he's had a change of heart, said a
prayers and saved Sydney from a disaster. He will then probably turn
and claim that as he's managed to avert the disaster he should be given
title to the various mines he claims he discovered as payment.

This is probably a safer bet than the "Sydney Major Catastrophe"

Then our duty is obvious keep abusing poor Turdcaud in the hope that he will
not have a change of heart.....
pussynuts wrote in message
MMMmmmmm, If it does happen i wonder if the rest of the world including
Indonesia will return the favour and give us aid.
Bloody fat chance!!!!!
I would expect the US, Canada, UK and some of Europe would.
Of the Asian nations Japan would.
The rest I would be suprised if they did.
"Steve nunya" <dont@bother.com> wrote in message
pussynuts wrote in message
MMMmmmmm, If it does happen i wonder if the rest of the world including
Indonesia will return the favour and give us aid.
Bloody fat chance!!!!!

I would expect the US, Canada, UK and some of Europe would.
Of the Asian nations Japan would.
The rest I would be suprised if they did.
What a pair of dickheads.
Jean-pig Turcaud is a liar and completely psycho and could never be trusted
this fool has made all sorts of crazy predictions previously. Do you not
remember the tsunami during the Sydney Olympic Games
this fool has no education or culture and is an internet terrorist his
country is to weak to deal with

"Stephen X. Carter" <steve@[]> wrote in message
On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 08:43:43 +0100, "Sďr Jean-ţaul Turcaud"

A very specific prediction.

Let's make a public deal.

If this does happen, then we all admit that you are an unrecognised
genius and tell our governments that's the case (although you'll have to
agree that if it does happen they may have other things on their minds!)

If this does NOT happen, you will have been proved to be wrong, and will
stop posting in these newsgroups?


Nothing is Beatle Proof!!
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 01:37:10 GMT, "David Dillion"
<xxxxxxx@onholiday.co.uk> put finger to keyboard and composed:

this fool has made all sorts of crazy predictions previously. Do you not
remember the tsunami during the Sydney Olympic Games
IIRC, one of the commercial TV stations was to blame for this. The
impending doom of the "Olympic city" was supposedly prophesised by
Nostradamus, a different Frenchman.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
Its a fair question.If we had a natural disaster like the one in Indonesia
who would give us aid.
Come on have a think!!!
Fair enough Indonesia does need help from us I dont argue with that but how
come the govenment can find a billion dollars in aid when they cant find any
money for the hospitals and schools.
Even if half of it was cash (500 million) where did they manage to find

"Bazil" <nospam@spamzfree.net> wrote in message
pussynuts wrote:
MMMmmmmm, If it does happen i wonder if the rest of the world including
Indonesia will return the favour and give us aid.
Bloody fat chance!!!!!

With a comment like that shouldn't your nick be pusnuts? Friggin wanker.
"Ammut" <smhorsfall@ihug.com.au> wrote:

"Eric" <hahaha@clear.i.never.see.junk.mail.com> wrote in message
(A) The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than
British or Americans.
(B) On the other hand, the French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer
heart attacks than the British or Americans.
(C) The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks
than the British or Americans.
(D) The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer fewer
heart attacks than the British or Americans.
(E) Conclusion: Eat & drink what you like. It's speaking English that

So what's the stats on Australians?
Dunno. When they start speaking English, we'll let you know. ;-)

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