10 ľF/25V Tantal Instead of 22ľF/16V - In circuit

Hi All,

I am building a PIC programmer (JDM Programmer) described here:

It uses a 22ľF/16V Tantal Capacitor in the circuit.

I am unable to get this capacitor in the town where I live;

By any chance I can use a 10 ľF/25V instead? or maybe 2 in paralell?

I really do not know What Tantals are- for that matter my general
electronics knowledge is pretty limited.

I'd appreciate if anyone could throw some light on that too.

Many Thanks
The 22uF capacitor is not particularly critical. The real issue with
tantalums is surge currents. In this case, those currents would be
rather minimal.

One of the advantages of tantalums over electrolytics is their low ESR
(there are threads about it). For this circuit you could probably use
10uF at 25V (this is being connected to a RS232 circuit which is why
the voltage rating is a little high) as nothing in it is particularly

So go ahead and use the 10uF/25V part - you should be fine. If you get
issues, then just drop a second one in parallel, although I don't think
you'll need it. (IMO)



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