Winfield Hill
A middle-of-the-bee-hive insert, my little I2C
sensor module has five sensor ICs, comprising 12
sensor channels. All running on 3.3-volts, so I
thought. Then my programming associate, reading
the datasheets more carefully than I, pointed out
one of the gas sensors was limited to 1.8 volts.
What!? 1.8-volts absolute maximum!? Sheesh!
Back to the drawing board, add six more parts.
- Win
sensor module has five sensor ICs, comprising 12
sensor channels. All running on 3.3-volts, so I
thought. Then my programming associate, reading
the datasheets more carefully than I, pointed out
one of the gas sensors was limited to 1.8 volts.
What!? 1.8-volts absolute maximum!? Sheesh!
Back to the drawing board, add six more parts.
- Win