Arne Rosenfeldt
1: 1/f noise and ttl - levels
integral( 1/f, x..intfinity) -> infitiny for x->0
a transistor has infinite noise power.
You can only use it for high frequency above 1kHz,
absolute DC TTL levels are nonsenese
So where is the nonsense here?
2: triode speed: semiconductor vs vacuum
who is faster?
semiconductor has higher carrier density
vacuum has higher carrier mobility
or what is the point?
Expecially if I have a high impendance source, wouldn't vacuum be better?
integral( 1/f, x..intfinity) -> infitiny for x->0
a transistor has infinite noise power.
You can only use it for high frequency above 1kHz,
absolute DC TTL levels are nonsenese
So where is the nonsense here?
2: triode speed: semiconductor vs vacuum
who is faster?
semiconductor has higher carrier density
vacuum has higher carrier mobility
or what is the point?
Expecially if I have a high impendance source, wouldn't vacuum be better?