Winfield Hill
Is there an easy way to calculate the size of the hole necessary to
create a 0.1pF capacitor in the drawing below? The middle grounded
plate with the hole is 1/8" thick, and the plates are 1/8" apart.
.. drive electrode ---,
.. |
.. #######################
.. ,-- hole
.. #################### ########################-- GND
.. ##########################################
.. | \
.. opamp SJ at GND potential
.. measure ac current
- Win
create a 0.1pF capacitor in the drawing below? The middle grounded
plate with the hole is 1/8" thick, and the plates are 1/8" apart.
.. drive electrode ---,
.. |
.. #######################
.. ,-- hole
.. #################### ########################-- GND
.. ##########################################
.. | \
.. opamp SJ at GND potential
.. measure ac current
- Win