0.1 inch Terminal connectors?


m II

I can get the 0.2 inch variety easily, but is there anyone making screw
type connectors with a 0.1 spacing? It would make for a lot neater
wiring job to the processor pins...

These I can get:


The screws would have to be tiny, but it's worth the trouble.

On 2011-02-02, m II <C@in.the.hat> wrote:
I can get the 0.2 inch variety easily, but is there anyone making screw
type connectors with a 0.1 spacing? It would make for a lot neater
wiring job to the processor pins...

mouser says "call" if you want some.
digikey will sell you 100 of any one length (2-12 positions)
On Tue, 01 Feb 2011 20:44:13 -0700, m II <C@in.the.hat>

I can get the 0.2 inch variety easily, but is there anyone making screw
type connectors with a 0.1 spacing? It would make for a lot neater
wiring job to the processor pins...

These I can get:


The screws would have to be tiny, but it's worth the trouble.
Can you use the 0.2 inch connectors in two staggered rows?
That would avoid the tiny screws, and might even be easier
to deal with. Just a thought...

Best regards,

Bob Masta

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On Feb 1, 10:44 pm, m II <C...@in.the.hat> wrote:
I can get the 0.2 inch variety easily, but is there anyone making screw
type connectors with a 0.1 spacing? It would make for a lot neater
wiring job to the processor pins...

These I can get:


The screws would have to be tiny, but it's worth the trouble.

I like the ones by Phoenix Contact. Here's a digikey part number for
a three terminal one 277-1274-nd.

They've got a nice machined screw terminal. Better than the ones with
just a flappy piece of metal.

George H.
On 11-02-01 08:44 PM, m II wrote:

I can get the 0.2 inch variety easily, but is there anyone making screw
type connectors with a 0.1 spacing? It would make for a lot neater
wiring job to the processor pins...

These I can get:


The screws would have to be tiny, but it's worth the trouble.

Thanks to all for the replies. It's now filed away for reference.


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