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Replica Prada Cervo Pleat Hobo Bag detail below:

The replica Prada Cervo Pleat hobo Bag is an ordinary deerskin


with a pleated top, but the option of the stunning clear-ocean

turquoise color makes this handbag stand out.The great thing about

this replica Prada cervo pleat Bag is the slouch along with the

removable shoulder strap, which gives the option to wear it cross-

body. It feels very LA or SoHo. There are open pockets on the side


the dimensions are ample to wear and lug the daily necessities.www.ecyaya..com

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I am happy to be a member of this group and I consider you my friends.
As a friend , I like to share with you some thoughts that I believe
will be useful for your life.

Merits of Islam in the Relationship Between Men &Women

1- Islam encourages marriage to prevent committing adultery, and
considers marriage to be one of the ways of the Messengers;The
Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “O
young people, whoever among you can afford to get married, let him do
so, for it helps one to lower the gaze and protect the private parts
(i.e., remain chaste). Whoever cannot afford it, let him fast, for it
is a protection for him.” 2- If a man wants to get married but is
unable to spend on a wife, then he should adhere to the words of Allah.
24:33 “And let those who find not the financial means for marriage
keep themselves chaste, until Allâh enriches them of His Bounty”
3- Islam urges people to get married, and prohibits celibacy and
castration. It is forbidden to forego getting married even if the
intention is to devote oneself to worship. “There is no monasticism in
Islam.” because they are against his nature, and against having

4- Islam forbids adultery for the sake of reserving lineages, and to
prevent unlawful pregnancies and social problems.17: 32. And come not
near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a Fâhishah
[i.e. anything that transgresses its limits (a great sin)], and an
evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allâh forgives him).

5- Islam forbids accusing others of adultery and considers it a great
sin. 24: 15. When you were propagating it with your tongues, and
uttering with your mouths that whereof you had no knowledge, you
counted it a little thing, while with Allâh it was very great.

6- Islam prohibits a man to be alone with a woman who is not a
relative he can’t marry, because that causes temptation to do immoral
and evil actions. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) said: “No man is alone with a (non-mahram) woman but the Satan is
the third one present.”

7- Islam forbids unlawful sexual relationships and marrying a woman
not chaste.5: 5. Made lawful to you this day are AtTayyibât [all kinds
of Halâl (lawful) foods, which Allâh has made lawful (meat of
slaughtered eatable animals, etc., milk products, fats, vegetables and
fruits, etc.). The food (slaughtered cattle, eatable animals, etc.) of
the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) is lawful to you and
yours is lawful to them. (Lawful to you in marriage) are chaste women
from the believers and chaste women from those who were given the
Scripture (Jews and Christians) before your time.

For more information about Islam










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