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Replica Prada Cervo Pleat Hobo Bag detail below:
The replica Prada Cervo Pleat hobo Bag is an ordinary deerskin
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turquoise color makes this handbag stand out.The great thing about
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removable shoulder strap, which gives the option to wear it cross-
body. It feels very LA or SoHo. There are open pockets on the side
the dimensions are ample to wear and lug the daily necessities.
The dimension of this Prada cervo pleat hobo bag is 16 1/2âłH x 10âłW x
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Cervo Pleat Hobo Bag on www.guomeitrade.com
Replica Prada Cervo Pleat Hobo Bag detail below:
The replica Prada Cervo Pleat hobo Bag is an ordinary deerskin
with a pleated top, but the option of the stunning clear-ocean
turquoise color makes this handbag stand out.The great thing about
this replica Prada cervo pleat Bag is the slouch along with the
removable shoulder strap, which gives the option to wear it cross-
body. It feels very LA or SoHo. There are open pockets on the side
the dimensions are ample to wear and lug the daily necessities.
The dimension of this Prada cervo pleat hobo bag is 16 1/2âłH x 10âłW x
5âłD approximately.
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